10 steps to minimise cost

The key to keeping additional authoring cost to a minimum is preparation.
Spend the time deciding exactly what You need.
Make sure you prepare everything We need to make it happen ...

  1. Let us buy the domain on your behalf (dealing with third parties wastes hours!)
  2. Let us set up the hosting on your behalf,
  3. Choose which type of site you want (brochure, owner-editable, etc),
  4. Decide what sort of styling you prefer (light, dark, graphical),
  5. Decide which email accounts you need,
  6. Prepare a page list,
  7. Type your contents text,
  8. Have your images ready,
  9. For shopping carts decide your price structure,
  10. For secure payments, create & test your PayPal account.
    ... PayPal is a name everyone knows & trusts, an ideal way to begin online sales.


Must be sent in electronic form by email. We accept DOCX, DOC, PDF or even TXT formats. Your written* instructions to us should be decisive & easily understood so that we can 'build once'. Checking your spelling & grammar before you send may save us time & you money.


Must be high definition, in original file format (not embedded in email or other software). We can process most picture formats.

NB* We love to talk to our clients & you're always welcome to phone if you have questions, but we do ask any instructions be confirmed in written form to ensure that nothing is overlooked or misunderstood.